Wall Art, Enhance the Blank Walls of Any Room

Wall Art, Enhance the Blank Walls of Any Room

Displaying wall art is an excellent way to have your home reflect your taste and personality. Mounting a cutting-edge sculpture or an old masterpiece in your dining room or living room allows you to show off your artistic powers to guests. With so many types and styles of wall art to choose from, there are lots of options out there you are sure to fall in love with. Looking for some inspiration? Following are the top recommendations:

The Great Painters
If you are interested in the grandeur of the past, then replicas of the timeless masters, such as Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, and Claude Monet, are an outstanding way to add artistic appeal to your room. Use wall paintings by Michelangelo, da Vinci, and other old masters to decorate your personal library, formal living room, or grace your living room with the vivid works of Monet. If you want something more modern and trendy, add a bit of Kandinsky or Picasso into the mix.

Contemporary Wall Art
Contemporary wall art ranges from scenes from city life or nature to abstract pictures. Some highlight your love of the little things in life while others illustrate your love of detail. Black and white contemporary wall art can add start contrast to simplify your room. Other contemporary wall art offers group of colors that stand out amongst the smooth, simple shapes of your contemporary décor.

Boho Wall Art
Capture the carefree spirit and the nature of laid-back living with beautiful framed Boho wall art. Great in natural interiors and light, the stylish Boho wall art offers a look that’s ideal for relaxed living rooms and eclectic bedrooms. Boho wall art is full of vivid prints, diverse textures, bold patterns, and vibrant colors. Where modern art tends to be stark and neutral, Boho is noted for its inviting atmosphere and warm tones.

Metal Wall Art
Metal wall art adds variety as well as intrigue to your collection and allows you to create truly personalized displays. Add metal wall hangings for contemporary style rooms. These can range from intricate trees and insects to abstract shapes. Large wall stickers add fun to an entertainment room, game room, or garage. Consider self-adhesive, vinyl stickers for easy installation and removal. When applied to empty walls, this type of wall art even gives the illusion of paint.

Vintage Wall Art
If you are nostalgic for the good old days, select vintage wall art to keep the best memories of the past always in the present. Prints of vintage drinks, flags, and vehicles add character and personality to your bedroom, traditional kitchen, or workshop. For entertainment purposes, it is even possible to use vintage wall art to create a special ‘nostalgia’ room.

Art is the beautiful icing on the cake in any room. It’s a perfect way to really make the space feel true to you. Whether you are into vintage, contemporary, neon, or Boho, there’s a wall art out there that can enhance the blank walls of your room.

Photos by: Tom Balabaud, Wang Ming, Heather Bazman, Jean Philippe, Ingridi Alves

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